Issue Position: Iraq War

Issue Position

Date: Aug. 27, 2010

Iraq War

My name is Aubrey Immelman and I'm challenging the party-endorsed candidate for the Republican nomination in the Sixth Congressional District.

My main reason for running is U.S. national security -- specifically, the unintended consequences of the Iraq war.

Plain and simple, the invasion of Iraq was a mistake.

More than just exacting a huge cost in American blood, treasure, and loss of international stature, our military intervention in Iraq has created complex security challenges for the United States.

Before the invasion, we had in place a very successful containment policy against Iraqi aggression -- preserving a delicate balance of power between Iran and Iraq in one of the world's most volatile regions, the Middle East.

The removal of Saddam has empowered Iran, with its nuclear ambitions, and placed Iraq under the control of Islamist Shiite leaders closely aligned with Iran -- thereby creating an infinitely more serious threat to U.S. national security in the region than existed before the invasion.

ParaBn-patrol.jpg On Patrol - Parachute Batallion picture by Rifleman-AlI'm the only candidate in the Sixth District congressional race with military experience, trained as an airborne soldier in counterinsurgency and anti-terrorist operations and with professional credentials as a military consultant on nuclear counterproliferation, threat assessment, deterrence, and psychological operations.

I offer my specialized training and expertise to help secure the vital national security interests of the United States in the wake of the attacks of 9/11 and emerging security threats triggered by the ill-conceived, short-sighted Iraq war.

I have not taken any money to run for office, am not beholden to special interests, and come with no strings attached. My first responsibility will be to ordinary Minnesotans in the Sixth District.

In my campaign, I have walked the length of the District, 100 miles from Freeport in the north to Stillwater in the south, and across the District, 50 miles from Foley in the east to Paynesville in the west. With my feet firmly on the ground, my loyalties are clear.

I disdain the deplorable level of partisanship in Washington. I will reach across the aisle, where possible, to get things done and will strive to work productively with all reasonable people. Despite ideological differences, we're all American.

There are some things worth dying for. But invading countries that pose no imminent threat to the United States is not one of them.

I'm Aubrey Immelman, and I'm asking for your vote September 9.

Thank you.
